Desert Eagle Gold Price What Is The Best Pistol In Call Of Duty 4 Besides The Gold Desert Eagle And Regular Desert Eagle?

What is the best pistol in Call of duty 4 besides the gold desert eagle and regular desert eagle? - desert eagle gold price

In fact, I think the M9 is better than the Desert Eagle, because you are not on the Desert Eagle silence.


Lost Hope said...

In the area of damage per shot:
M9 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt; USP = M1911 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt; Deagle

USP offers the same damage as M1911, but contributes an additional 5 rounds per clip (12 rounds). It is obvious that this is the best weapon is in addition to Deagle.

Lost Hope said...

In the area of damage per shot:
M9 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt; USP = M1911 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt; Deagle

USP offers the same damage as M1911, but contributes an additional 5 rounds per clip (12 rounds). It is obvious that this is the best weapon is in addition to Deagle.

Wes W said...

If you play on hardcore use only what more ammunition in a clip.

Wes W said...

If you play on hardcore use only what more ammunition in a clip.

Goon Jr said...

yous the M9

raely is good!

Larry M said...

the M9 to be sure you have plenty of ammunition and is effective

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