Mini Pill Migraine How To Compensate For Hormonal Effects From The Depo Shot? Experiences With Sex Drive And The Mini-pill?

How to compensate for hormonal effects from the depo shot? experiences with sex drive and the mini-pill? - mini pill migraine

I took the pill for 6 years before Planned Parenthood refused to prescribe me by the fact that I have migraine with aura. Obviously, this greatly increases my risk for stroke. I can not get it a IUD, or becaue hard times of the past.

I was shooting for 2 months, it was great until a few weeks ago when my libido is cast. It feels like a part of my brain to quit, and I can not enjoy sex like me a month ago. Of course, you can use a lubricant, but if I had not awakened, what's the point? I know the strictly hormone, which is incredible, my husband in bed, and never had a problem before the injection at any time.

Is there a way to compensate for the change in hormones, while in the loop? Food to eat? Natural remedies that really work for you? It seems that there is any form of compensation and psychological needs to be.

Even the mini-pill is less likely to affect my libido? What were your experiences?


Lil'Miss... said...

I do not recommend Depo to anyone. I had more than 1 doctor told me that the shooting is linked to reproductive problems and now my menstrual there for 2 years. (5 years) has never been a problem with sexual desire, but it is now my hormones are imbalanced.

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